
Thanks for stopping by…

…I’m so glad you did because it means you’re thinking about your family - thinking about making memories with them that will last a lifetime.

Although I may describe myself as a ‘motherhood’ photographer, I actually prefer the term ‘relationship’ photographer. I’m here to capture all those beautiful connections; mother & child, father & son, brother & sister, and even mum & dad…because that’s where it all started.

Take your time, have a look around and if you like what you see, hopefully, that means I’m the photographer for you.

You’re in safe hands…

With a 10 year career as a Fashion Stylist under my belt, you’re in safe hands with me.

I pride myself on giving clients lots of handy style tips before their session, along with a Style Guide to help you plan outfits for the whole family.

I want you to feel incredible for your shoot, and I’m here to guide you through the process, every step of the way. I even have a specially curated client wardrobe for mums to use during their sessions at the studio - full of dresses carefully selected for your needs and my shoot style.


“We adore the photos Sarah took for us – which was no easy task with a three-year-old and a newborn. She was so patient with us all, and is a joy to work with.”


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